Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flat Black is Not the New Black.

Okay, for those out there who don't know, matte finish paint is commonly referred to as "flat" because it's just that - no clearcoat or sparkly reflection of your pearly whites when you look at it.

It was a pretty underground trend five or six years back, mostly on the West Coast. Often, they'd also throw on some black wheels to complement the flat black paint, resulting it what's known as "murdering out" a car - black paint, black rims, dark tint, and usually lowered ride height. Here's an example:

...but we've all come to expect this kind of sillyness from the Civic crowd. No offense to the Honda people, but there are way too many Fast & Furiousers in your bunch, and they kill it for the rest of you. I suggest forcibly removing them with some kind of NOS-powered catapult. The irony alone would be worth it. (For reference, this is what NOS is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nitrous_oxide)

Unfortunately, this trend hasn't died.

Like any car fad that gains enough of a following, matte black has been recognized by automakers. And now, they're doing it too.

(Credit to Jalponik for this picture)

It's downright sad to see such a beautiful machine as an R8 violated that way. But at least they didn't give it black rims from the factory. All matte paint does is mask a car's body lines and the angles that make it attractive.

Think about it. Say you have a gorgeous girlfriend or wife, but there are a lot of beautiful women out there. Would you put a paper bag over her head to hide her looks?

It just doesn't make any sense. I'm looking at you, Audi. And you, Paul Walker.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Getting the ball rolling.

Hey all, this is the first post in my blog, Speed Shift!

I encourage anyone who visits this place to check out the links in the sidebar, as well as leave comments on what I'm doing or what you'd like to see me talk about - I want to do stories that not only I care about. Let me know if you want to read about the new Aston Martin, or, more realistically, the new Focus (or anything in between!).